Beneath a Steel Sky. Beneath a Stee How to Play: Up/down/left/right: Use ARROWS The fire and jump Buttons Depends on the Game Cofiguration. Tags: Beneath a Steel Sky, Beneath a Steel Sky dos, Beneath a Steel Sky online, play Beneath a Steel Sky. Share this: Advertisement. Random Games . Shinobi. Satan. Crystal Caves. Heretic. Ugh! Eye of the Beh Rick Dangerous Dangerous Dave. Zak
Login or Register to rate Beneath a Steel Sky, add a Tag, or designate as an alternative to a Windows app: Screenshots. Upload Screenshots . Images must be in GIF, JPG, or PNG formats and can be no larger than 2 MB. Only one file can be uploaded at a time. A description can be included, but it is optional. Desc: File: You must login or register to upload a screenshot. Submit Web Links. Submit [Résolu]beneath-a-steel-sky / Jeux / Forum Re : [Résolu]beneath-a-steel-sky. Oui c un jeu et tu peux y jouer en installant le moteur scummvm. Tu cliques ensuite sur scummvm --> Add game et tu vas chercher l'éxecutable du jeu. Hors ligne #3 Le 14/11/2005, à 11:59. Isaric. Re : [Résolu]beneath-a-steel-sky. niguss a écrit : Oui c un jeu et tu peux y jouer en installant le moteur scummvm. Tu cliques ensuite sur scummvm --> Add game et scummvm [Wiki ubuntu-fr] Beneath a Steel Sky qui vous place dans un monde futuriste lugubre (version CD avec voix en anglais, si vous préférez la version avec textes en français, allez sur Avant de lancer le jeu, paramétrez ScummVM pour mettre les sous-titres, sans quoi vous ne comprendrez pas l'introduction ! Flight of the Amazon Queen software In Beneath a Steel Sky you take the role of Robert Foster, abducted by brutal Security forces and brought to Union City. Foster’s fate is in your hands as he talks to people and explores the area around him in an attempt to discover why he was brought to the City. At the start of the game Foster has escaped from the wreck of the helicopter in which he was kidnapped. Now it is up to you to
Beneath a Steel Sky - Internet Archive 24/01/2015 · After the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy setting of Revolution's first game, Lure of the Temptress, Revolution decided to go down a completely different avenue with its second adventure game, Beneath a Steel Sky, that of Science Fiction. A bleak vision of the future was imagined, where mind control and medical science combined forces to repress the populace. Leading comic artist, Dave … Beneath a Steel Sky - Wikipedia Beneath a Steel Sky is a 1994 cyberpunk science fiction point-and-click adventure game developed by Revolution Software and published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment for MS-DOS and Amiga home computers. The game was made available as freeware for PC platforms in 2003. Set in a dystopian future, the player assumes the role of Robert Foster, who was stranded in a wasteland known as "the … 3 Beneath a Steel Sky Alternatives & Similar Games … 3 Beneath a Steel Sky Alternatives & Similar Games for Linux. Filter by Platform. Linux . All (23) Android (2) iOS (3) PC (23) Linux (3) Mac OS (15) PS Vita (1) PS4 (3) Xbox 360 (2) Xbox One (1) Nintendo Wii U (1) Steam (4) 1. 1. Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror. Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror is an exciting Puzzle, Point and Click and Single-player video game created by Revolution
9. Okt. 2010 Das Spiel. Beneath a Steel Sky (engl. für unter einem Stahlhimmel) ist ein Adventure-Computerspiel welches 1993 von Revolution Software Find reviews, trailers, release dates, news, screenshots, walkthroughs, and more for Beneath a Steel Sky here on GameSpot. Beneath a Steel Sky ist ein Klassiker aus dem Point&Click-Adventure-Genre, bei keine näheren Angaben, Linux, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Beneath a Steel Sky is a British 1994 science fiction point and click adventure and runs under compatible systems, including Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Beneath a Steel Sky 2 is to be developed for iOS, Android, PC, Linux, OSX whilst Revolution is also looking into the possibility of a console release. The studio's
Beneath A Steel Sky - Linux Compatible Beneath A Steel Sky. Adventure 1 report Revolution. Product: Beneath A Steel Sky. Vendor: Revolution. Tested operating systems: Ubuntu Linux. Average Rating: CompatDB XML: beneath-a-steel-sky.xml Beneath a Steel Sky « XTDOS | Play Retro DOS … Beneath a Steel Sky. Beneath a Stee How to Play: Up/down/left/right: Use ARROWS The fire and jump Buttons Depends on the Game Cofiguration. Tags: Beneath a Steel Sky, Beneath a Steel Sky dos, Beneath a Steel Sky online, play Beneath a Steel Sky. Share this: Advertisement. Random Games . Shinobi. Satan. Crystal Caves. Heretic. Ugh! Eye of the Beh Rick Dangerous Dangerous Dave. Zak Beneath a Steel Sky [./] Beneath a Steel Sky : Quand Robert Foster, orphelin, est traqué, saisi sous la menace d’une arme à feu et qu’il s’est envolé à des milliers de kilomètres d’une ville qu’il n’a jamais vue, il ne peut que se demander : pourquoi moi ? Fuyant ses ravisseurs, fuyant dans une métropole sombre, Foster fait vœu de résoudre le mystère et de venger le meurtre de la seule famille qu Debian Package Tracker - beneath-a-steel-sky
Beneath a Steel, Sky is a Sci-Fi, Point and Click, Puzzle and Graphic-Adventure video game created by Revolution Software and published by Virgin Interactive. The story of the game takes place in the future where the player can assume the role of a robot character who was stranded in the wasteland called Gap as a child and accepted by the team of local Aboriginals, regularly adjust his life in